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5 Things to Remember as We Say Goodbye to 2021 and Hello to 2022 business lifestyle mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Dec 31, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

As we move towards the end of 2021 and start heading toward the time of resolutions, goals and new desires, what if this time, instead of setting rules, we simply remind ourselves of a few gentle truths? If the pressure of the upcoming season has you ready to disappear under the...

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Five Things to Stop Doing This Holiday Season business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Nov 25, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

Those of you who know me know how much I love the Christmas Holidays. Twinkly lights, mulled wine, carefully wrapped presents, and an abundance of friends and family across the threshold make my heart happy all across December (and a little bit of November as I always manage to...

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5 Ways to Start or Grow Your Email List business startup sessions the workroom tricia scott Oct 19, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

Email lists have been a hot social topic since recently, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp went offline. Suddenly, those who rely on the platforms to communicate with potential customers and run businesses were faced with the harsh reality that it could all be taken away at any...

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Feeling stuck? Never underestimate the power of baby steps in your business business startup sessions the workroom tricia scott Oct 14, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

Earlier this week, I sent out a post to my business socials that read, ‘Remember, even the smallest steps move you forward.’ I wrote this timely lil’ piece of advice after reading through many posts from women who, rather than take a baby step in their biz, did...

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Growing Your Village: Why Entrepreneurial Communities are Vital to Growth and Sanity startup sessions the retreat tricia scott Sep 30, 2021

By Tricia Scott

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

I often wondered what was wrong with me. Sometimes I felt like I lived on a different planet from the rest of humanity! I had a good job, a lovely home, great friends and...

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We're hosting a Blog Carnival! guest blogs the retreat the workroom tricia scott Sep 01, 2021

A blog carnival is an online event created between bloggers. For the month of September, I am the host and our theme is 'Growing Your Village' 

As someone who heads up a large global community, coupled with the fact that September is my favourite month, this seemed like the obvious choice of...

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Dear Entrepreneurs, I Love You but Your Doing It Wrong and Hereโ€™s Why the retreat the workroom tricia scott Aug 13, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever gone to create a post on social media or write a blog or make a video and just think, what’s the point? (it’s better if you read this question in a super exhausted voice and bonus points for raising your hands in the air in an...

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Edges, Ledges and Baby Steps; The Journey of The Courageous Entrepreneur business startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Jun 15, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

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Enjoying Your Work is Mission-Critical business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Jun 09, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

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Want To Get Radical? business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Jun 06, 2021

By Tricia Scott

I see you, opening the radical titled blog, you rebel!

Now that we’ve established your my kind of person, let’s talk about the matter at hand, and today, that is a question I have asked myself a lot recently.

Why do we keep doing things we hate in the name of business?...

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Do You Need a Money Coach? business money money matters the retreat the workroom tricia scott May 17, 2021

By Tricia Scott.

It's easy to think that hiring a money coach will be a bit like planting a 'magic money tree' in the garden, and whoosh! There you go! Money forever! 

But no. 

Despite popular belief, money coaches are not, in fact, magicians (sorry); however, for all of you reading,...

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When They Go Low, We Go High. Keeping Your Head In The Age Of The Keyboard Warrior. business lifestyle the retreat the workroom tricia scott Mar 10, 2021

By Tricia Scott 

Like most people, I’ve read a few articles online about the good and bad effect that our digital age has on us as humans. The continued rise of Social Media is discussed at length and in great detail.

Our younger generations, in particular, it seems, are struggling...

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Do work, not too much, mostly profitable. business startup sessions tricia scott Feb 10, 2021

By Tricia Scott

As an eternal entrepreneur who is also addicted to food documentaries, I came across a quote by Michael Pollan which read; Eat food, not too much, mostly plants, and it stuck in my head.

In amongst the constant noise of the media and diet industry, this refreshingly simple message...

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Overcoming The Odds With Annabel Aaron interviews tricia scott Jan 14, 2021

By Tricia Scott 

I would open up this article by telling you that Annabel Aaron is a survivor; this would be a true statement, however, when you meet Annabel, as I recently did, that word just doesn't fit. Annabel Aaron is a thriver.

On April 1st 2010 Annabel's life changed forever, an...

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Are You Really Ready To Be Your Own Boss? the workroom tricia scott Jan 12, 2021

By Tricia Scott

 We live in a time when women, more than ever before, are harnessing their creativity and forging new paths into businesses across the globe.

What a time to be alive!

We're blazing our own trails, stepping into the unknown and embracing the excitement of the challenge. All...

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Thank You For Being You, We Wish You A Merry Christmas! tricia scott Dec 23, 2020

By Tricia Scott

I write to you curled up on my bed with a sleeping kitten (Nelly) on my chest. While quietly typing isn't the easiest around a snoring 3-month-old kitten, I am risking my fingers to reach out to you today, the day before the magic of Christmas Eve, to let you know how grateful I...

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