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How Stress Is Affecting Your Health ā€“ And How to Deal With It guest blogs lifestyle mindset the retreat

By Vera Powles.

A stressful situation — whether in the form of a work deadline, a toxic relationship, or a persistent worry about finances — can trigger a cascade of stress hormones...

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Embracing the Power of Women's Circles: Creating a Safe Haven for Sharing and Writing Our Stories claire winter issue 47 lifestyle the creatrix journey the retreat

By Claire Winter.

Women and men have sat in circles for centuries, sharing knowledge and connecting. These circles fulfil an innate need for human connection, especially for women undergoing...

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Simplifying Life Through the Lens of Your Unique Human Design Energy Blueprint helena zachariassen human design issue 47 lifestyle mindset simplify and thrive

By Helena Zachariassen.

Life is a vast playground, and Human Design is your personalised treasure map. What's Human Design, you may ask? Human Design merges various approaches from ancient...

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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs for Female Entrepreneurs & Working Mothers business lifestyle marisa sim the empowered mama


By Marisa SIm.

As a female entrepreneur and mother, you often perform a delicate dance—juggling the demands of managing a business while nurturing a fulfilling family life. The dual...

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Creating Calm Amongst the Chaos: The Benefits of Cosiness at Home hayley mcdonnell issue 47 lifestyle nothing much happens here the retreat

By Hayley McDonnell.

Life for most working families, both with and without children, is often understood as the hustle and bustle of modern life. In today's world, technology permeates every aspect...

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Sonora Resort: The Ultimate Experience in Wilderness Luxury lauren regan lifestyle travel

By Lauren Regan.

Castaway on one of Canada's Discovery Islands, this one-time fishing retreat is now one of the jewels in British Columbia's crown.

My partner Chris and I visited Sonora in...

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I Had a Harmonic Egg Session and Hereā€™s What Happened lifestyle mindset retreat the retreat tricia scott

By Tricia Scott. 

At a recent networking event, I met a lady who told me about something called The Harmonic Egg. I love networking for this random yet meant-to-be type of connection; I meet...

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Embrace the Winter Months, Before During and After Christmas hayley mcdonnell life lessons lifestyle the retreat

By Hayley McDonnell.

In the UK, the winter months are creeping closer. I have purposefully used the adjective as the change is gradual, though expected. Some days, it is bright and sunny, just like...

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I Let It Be Easy affirmations business lifestyle mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott

It only takes a few minutes of browsing the internet on any given topic to become completely overwhelmed with conflicting advice on anything from make-up to marketing. Do you know...

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I Am Led by Curiosity, Not Certainty affirmations business lifestyle startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott

During my recent appearance on Adam James Proud's Above Average Podcast, we discussed the evolution of the Female CEO from a personal blog to a global community and magazine. I...

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Good Enough is Good Enough affirmations business lifestyle startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott

You know what I'm big fat bored with? Perfectionism. And let me tell you, I have been the worst offender of the HIGHEST order for more years than I care or dare to count. 

But lately, well,...

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Price Is What You Pay, Value Is What You Get affirmations business lifestyle mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott 

Today, I want to share a little story with you, so settle in with a blanket and your favourite hot drink (pumpkin spice, perhaps? ). 

This story resonated with...

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I Am Only Human affirmations business lifestyle startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott

By Tricia Scott

Wow, what a year it's been so far! It feels like the universe had some BIG lessons in store for me in 2023; not all have been easy to take. 

If you've been reading...

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Whatever I Get Done Today, It Is Enough affirmations business lifestyle startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott 

Running a business is challenging, even more so when we have commitments outside of work for which we need to be present.

Everyone I meet is juggling all of the things, trying...

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The Quality of My Life Is Consistent With the Quality of My Decisions affirmations business lifestyle startup sessions tricia scott

So here we are, eight months into 2023, and, I don't know about you, but it's been a wild ride so far over here. 

The more this year pans out, the more I learn and become curious about why I...

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I Move at My Own Pace affirmations business lifestyle startup sessions tricia scott

I see you flying through your emails, downloading recommended app after app to get ahead and stay on top or in the loop. 

Society seems to insist we move with it and keep up, always...

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