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Welcome to A Seat at Tricia's Table! I invite you to join me and some fantastic entrepreneurs for genuine conversations, shared wisdom, and tons of motivation. Grab a seat, get comfy, and let's dive into the stories and insights that bring our community together.

Brad Walsh

"Here's to strong women. May we know them, may we raise them. May we be them."

Destiny Drake West

Exploring, documenting and critiquing the brave new world of women’s policy

Mari-Anne Kehler

The Immeasurable Importance of Diverse Thinking and Inclusion at the Top

Anistia Thomas

What her candidacy means for Black Women Advocacy and Policy. Bringing the sturdy promise of Protection, Progression and Prosperity in a time of fear and uncertainty.

Alan Ross

Pioneering the World of Workplace Wellbeing Revolution, One Breath at a Time.

Mike Zabrin

The art of authentic conversation, resilience and opening up a new world of connection via podcasting.

Monika Mueller

Breaking the mould for professional women to discover their Signature style, increase confidence and live their best lives, today

Claire Whittaker

Exploring a new world of innovation, technology and process building for busy entrepreneurs everywhere.

Julie Čolan

Breaking the silence, overcoming embarrassment and stepping up as a voice for over 9 million UK women.

Joanne Smith

On the Front Line with FACT - Fighting All Cancers Together and the struggle amid Covid-19 as a non government funded charity working to keep the ‘family’ together

Jenene Crossan

Exploring the world of Advanced technology and building the next generation of software for the beauty industry