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What’s Stopping You? Spoiler: It’s Probably Not What You Think affirmations business mindset startup sessions tricia scott May 05, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

 What do you really want for your business? I don't mean kind of, sort of, well I think I would like _________ ← Insert thing you just thought of here.  

I mean, what do you want? 

Go ahead, think it over; I'll wait. 

Now ask...

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Surviving the Success Sickness, Why We’re No Longer Dying for the Deadline affirmations business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Apr 28, 2024

By Tricia Scott 


Way back in 1860, American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The first wealth is health", which got me thinking about why, after 164 years, we have not yet got the memo.  

I see it all the time (and I have been seriously guilty of this myself): We push,...

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When We Miss the Moment, We Miss the Point affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Apr 20, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

Here's something I've been asking myself since I heard it on a call with a bunch of amazing business people last week: How much can this moment deliver to me? 

As it always goes, this message arrived at a time when each moment was little more than a colourful furry...

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Great Things Take Time affirmations business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Apr 14, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 

Have you ever been in a room with another business owner when, in conversation, they lean in, almost like they're about to reveal a big secret? In hushed tones, you about make out the words?... 'part time job.'

Que the entire room falling into stunned and appalled silence...

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I See Opportunity Everywhere I Look affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Mar 31, 2024

By Tricia Scott 

As I continue to navigate this year's waters, I find myself often stopping to catch my breath—sometimes in a WTAF way and, more increasingly, in a 'wow, the universe is working some big magic this year' kind of way. I notice that the doors I once raced to stop closing...

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When I Say No to Others I Say Yes to Myself affirmations business mindset retreat the workroom tricia scott Mar 24, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 

Do you ever find yourself making commitments for things you don't want to or don't have the energy to do when the time comes around? Do you ever make a bunch of plans on Monday and then end up bailing on Thursday?

You are not alone. It could be that your inner...

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The Time Is Always Now affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Mar 16, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

Do you ever sit down at the end of the week and think, woah! That was intense!

That's pretty much how I felt as I sat down to write my list last week.

On Monday, we moved into a new office space. It's close to the river, has HUGE windows, a lovely breakout area with fresh coffee...

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I Am Committed to the Things I Care About affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Mar 13, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

Can we talk about routines for a minute? I have been on both sides of this spiky little fence and, in both cases, made pretty good arguments for both. 

When I first became self-employed, I SHUNNED my routine. I went full Braveheart, charging around declaring frrrreeedddoommm...

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I Make Space for the Things That Move Me Forward affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Feb 25, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

Last week was my birthday, and it marked the beginning of my 44th trip around the sun. I drank cocktails and a lot of water (I've learned that hydration and balance are key for me to avoid feeling sluggish and hungover), I enjoyed a 360 immersive experience in the stunning...

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Overcomplication Is a Lie We Are Sold, and I’m Not Buying affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Feb 19, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

I don't know about you, but this last week or two has been heccttiiccc. By the time last weekend came around, it was all I could do to get into clean pj's under my heated blanket (game changer), switch on a movie and take in a few hours in blissful comedies and more...

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What I Allow, I Become affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Feb 11, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 

Last week, I was asked to give a talk to creative media students at a local college (which was all kinds of fabulous). While preparing a slide deck for the event, I reflected on my journey to becoming The Female CEO and what worked and didn't. I was surprised by some of the...

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I Go My Own Way affirmations business mindset retreat startup sessions the workroom tricia scott Feb 04, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

With so many varying pieces of advice coming at us daily (and each claiming to be the right way), it's hard not to feel completely confused on the road to success. Which path should we follow? Are we doing it right? Should we be showing up differently? Dancing?...

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I Release the Need To Be In Constant Motion affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Jan 28, 2024

By Tricia Scott 

In my work 1:1 with start-up founders, I've found that specific topics come up repeatedly and often continue throughout the entrepreneurship journey. Same issue: different levels of responsibility and outcome; today's topic is one of those, and it's worth talking about...

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There Is No Race, I Set the Pace affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Jan 22, 2024

By Tricia Scott

I'm back into my dancing shoes over here at The Female CEO and literally bursting with ideas. 

This tends to be a pattern for me. I go into introspection and hibernation over the holidays, and, in all honesty, I find it really difficult to get back into the swing of...

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My Presence Is a Present I Can Give to Myself affirmations mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Jan 15, 2024

By Tricia Scott

Just before Christmas, in an effort to take a well-earned break and enjoy the festivities, I went on a mini-break cruise to the Netherlands. Just a couple of days away, browsing markets and drinking hot mulled wine wrapped in 100000 layers of coats and scarves.  


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Dear Future, I Am Ready affirmations mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Jan 01, 2024

By Tricia Scott

So here we are.

We've turned the proverbial corner from 2023 into 2024, and all that lies ahead. Last year could be summed up for many (including me) as 'Nevertheless, we persisted'. 

Even when it seemed impossible 

Even when it felt like it would be easier just to go...

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