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This is where we get up close and personal with the topics you've asked for. Take some time to read through the categories and choose the best fit for you and your business. 

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Courage Over Comfort: Why Embracing Fear Is Crucial for Unstoppable Growth business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Jul 21, 2024

 By Tricia Scott. 

It's a fact that people in business don't want to talk publicly about being scared. Instead, they usually want to talk about success and confidence and 'look at all the people queuing down the street to buy my stuff.'  

Unsurprisingly, I'm not one to...

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Working From the Inside Out: The Power of Purpose and Why It Maters for Your Business business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Jul 14, 2024

By Tricia Scott.


Last week was heeeccttiiccc, let me tell you. Meetings, seminars, negotiations, ideas and finalising the details of our next magazine issue coming to you later this month. It was one of those where I looked back on Friday and thought, is it all worth it? 

I was...

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From Invisible to Unstoppable: Feeling the Fear of Judgement? business mindset startup sessions the workroom tricia scott visibility Jul 07, 2024

By Tricia Scott 

PSA - No one is going to buy from you if they don't know you exist.

Sounds obvious, right?

Well, apparently, not so much. You see, I talk to people every day who are terrified of becoming visible in their businesses and, in some cases, their lives because the truth is, once...

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Ready or Not, Here You Go: Good Things Come to Those Who Act business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Jun 30, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

How many times have you heard yourself utter these very words... 

- It's not the right time. 

- It's not quite there yet

- It's not as good as ___ insert whatever here 

- When I've got more time 

- When I've lost that last few lbs

Did you recognise...

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Unleashing Your Empire-Building Potential: The Essential Construction Phase You Just Can't Skip business mindset startup sessions the workroom tricia scott Jun 24, 2024

 By Tricia Scott.

Here's something that made me laugh last week: I saw a post on Instagram that went like this: Running a business is a walk in the park... Jurassic Park

We've been friends for a little while now, so you know I'm all about a great business message and good energy, but let's...

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Why Loving Your Work Is the Ultimate Act of Entrepreneurial Rebellion business mindset startup sessions the workroom tricia scott Jun 12, 2024

By Tricia Scott

Here's something that has been keeping up lately (and as a girl who loves her sleep, this is not usual): 

Why do we keep doing things we don't like or that don't improve our lives in the name of our business? 

I see it all the time; somehow, somewhere down the...

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Amplify Your Impact: Your Voice Matters business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Jun 10, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 


How often do you find yourself holding back?

Perhaps you've been invited to speak from the stage, had a chance to raise your hand in a meeting and offer an opposing view, speak up about injustice or advocate for yourself in the home, and you turned it down, sitting...

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The Life of a Female Founder: Bright Lights, Big City, and the Power of The Disco Nap business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom travel tricia scott Jun 02, 2024

By Tricia Scott


I've been off on my travels again! This time, taking in the sights and sounds of London. I love our nation's capital with all of its vibrancy and noise; everywhere you go, there's something new to see or experience, and I always want to drink it all in before the next thing...

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What Is Your Brand Story – And Why Should Anyone Care? business lauren regan pr May 29, 2024

By Lauren Regan.

Great brands are everywhere, and, given 30 seconds, most of us could name one that resonates with us. It could be your go-to comfort food, a tech giant, a kitchen appliance, or a fashion brand – there will be something about it that you just, like. And I bet it's not just...

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Success Is Found in Every Moment We Find Satisfaction business mindset startup sessions tricia scott May 26, 2024

By Tricia Scott.


I had a lovely few days off recently, taking actual time away from my business, travelling around and spending time with friends. For part of that time, I was staying close to the sea, which always sets my creativity on fire I'm not sure if it was that or having an...

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Finding Strength Where You Stand business mindset startup sessions tricia scott May 19, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 

How often do you wish you were somewhere other than where you are?  

If I were just three/ six months down the road, I would/ could (fill in the blank). 

Sound familiar? 

By wishing we were somewhere other than where we stand, we focus on what we lack...

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Embracing the Unexpected: Lessons Learned from a Bank Holiday Head Cold business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott May 12, 2024

By Tricia Scott.


Last weekend was a bank holiday in the UK, and I was in bed with a head cold... The audacity! 

I had plans for the weekend, which included getting ahead on various projects and taking a walk or two, but there I was in my PJs, coffee on the nightstand, and a...

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What’s Stopping You? Spoiler: It’s Probably Not What You Think affirmations business mindset startup sessions tricia scott May 05, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

 What do you really want for your business? I don't mean kind of, sort of, well I think I would like _________ ← Insert thing you just thought of here.  

I mean, what do you want? 

Go ahead, think it over; I'll wait. 

Now ask...

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Surviving the Success Sickness, Why We’re No Longer Dying for the Deadline affirmations business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Apr 28, 2024

By Tricia Scott 


Way back in 1860, American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The first wealth is health", which got me thinking about why, after 164 years, we have not yet got the memo.  

I see it all the time (and I have been seriously guilty of this myself): We push,...

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When We Miss the Moment, We Miss the Point affirmations business mindset startup sessions the retreat the workroom tricia scott Apr 20, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

Here's something I've been asking myself since I heard it on a call with a bunch of amazing business people last week: How much can this moment deliver to me? 

As it always goes, this message arrived at a time when each moment was little more than a colourful furry...

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Great Things Take Time affirmations business mindset startup sessions tricia scott Apr 14, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 

Have you ever been in a room with another business owner when, in conversation, they lean in, almost like they're about to reveal a big secret? In hushed tones, you about make out the words?... 'part time job.'

Que the entire room falling into stunned and appalled silence...

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