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When I Say No to Others I Say Yes to Myself affirmations business mindset retreat the workroom tricia scott Mar 24, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 

Do you ever find yourself making commitments for things you don't want to or don't have the energy to do when the time comes around? Do you ever make a bunch of plans on Monday and then end up bailing on Thursday?

You are not alone. It could be that your inner...

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I Had a Harmonic Egg Session and Hereā€™s What Happened lifestyle mindset retreat the retreat tricia scott Feb 26, 2024

By Tricia Scott. 

At a recent networking event, I met a lady who told me about something called The Harmonic Egg. I love networking for this random yet meant-to-be type of connection; I meet someone I didn't expect to meet at almost every event I attend, and the results are wild!

Back to the...

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I Go My Own Way affirmations business mindset retreat startup sessions the workroom tricia scott Feb 04, 2024

By Tricia Scott.

With so many varying pieces of advice coming at us daily (and each claiming to be the right way), it's hard not to feel completely confused on the road to success. Which path should we follow? Are we doing it right? Should we be showing up differently? Dancing?...

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I Am Not Always Available, and Thatā€™s Ok affirmations mindset retreat startup sessions the workroom tricia scott Dec 17, 2023

By Tricia Scott.

Before you start picturing me as the proverbial Grinch, let me begin by saying I love this time of year; I mean really love it. I love it so much that I have, in the past, given myself full-on anxiety and stress hives, saying yes to everything and everyone. Yes, to...

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