We're hosting a Blog Carnival!
A blog carnival is an online event created between bloggers. For the month of September, I am the host and our theme is 'Growing Your Village'
As someone who heads up a large global community, coupled with the fact that September is my favourite month, this seemed like the obvious choice of topic!
Carnival Rules
Who can participate?
When is the deadline?
How to participate?
Write an article of at least 500 words
Your article must be written in English
You must publish your article on a blog or website that you own or for which you have been authorised to write.
Your article must be about “Growing Your Village” – if it is off-topic, it cannot be part of this carnival.
Your article must be brand new content.
Your article cannot contain affiliate links.
Your article must include certain mentions – please see the section below entitled “To include in your article”
Once your article has been published, please send an email to [email protected] and include the link to your article.
If your article meets the above criteria, I will send you an email to confirm that your article will be included in the September blog carnival.
To include in your article
What happens next?
Are you ready? Let's get writing!
Tricia Scott is the Founder and Editor of The Female CEO - Create Evolve Overcome, a platform and digital magazine holding the space to showcase female entrepreneurs from all over the world. She works and collaborates with various organisations to bring the most inspirational journeys, stories and training to help entrepreneurs on their own personal success mission.
The Female CEO is growing, expanding and gaining global recognition daily and Tricia is able to bring her own level of expertise as a start-up coach, mentor and multi-company director to her very exclusive table along with her team of brilliant Guest Editors and Bloggers. You'll usually find her with her MacBook in one hand and a coffee or a glass of something fizzy in the other and she always have sunglasses in her hair. Reach out anytime!
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