5 Things to Remember as We Say Goodbye to 2024 and Hello to 2025
By Tricia Scott.
As we move towards the end of 2024 and start heading toward the time of resolutions, goals and new desires, what if this time, instead of setting rules, we simply remind ourselves of a few gentle truths? If the pressure of the 'New Year, new me' brigade has you ready to disappear under the duvet, this one's for you.
Celebrate what you want to see more of
If you want more good stuff, you have to celebrate what's already good. Make a list of the top five things you are grateful for this year and celebrate them! Go all in, open the fizz, dance a little, and feel gratitude for all that has been this year. The more we can get genuinely grateful for the things we have and love, the more we'll attract, so get your 2025 off to the best start and celebrate!
Don't stop belivin'
If you are anything like me, you are singing the lyrics to Journey's hit song in your head right now... As we enter 2025, remind yourself of how far you've come. You've survived every single one of your bad days so far, and yet, here you are. Hold on to your vision for the future, and keep the faith.
Don't buy into the 'New Year, New Me' mantra (at least not too much)
The old you is just fine. The version that got you here is doing a great job; we don't have to chastise or leave her behind. There may be elements you want to change or grow, but please don't be too hard on yourself. Love and thank the person you are and celebrate the shit out of the fact she got you here because even if transformation is one of your goals for the New Year, the current version of you is still an absolute Queen.
Stop looking for flaws and start looking for potential
"We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives not looking for flaws, but for potential." ― Ellen Goodman.
I love this quote, and it's the perfect reminder that while a fresh New Year is an excellent time for reflection, it's also easy to slip into thinking of all things wrong rather than what's right. Whenever you notice something you're less than satisfied with, ask yourself: What's the opportunity here? This subtle reframing of the question will bring about outstanding results
Stay hungry, stay foolish
Of course, I cannot take the credit for this stellar advice. It came initially from Steve Jobs, and I quote it here as we round off 2024 to remind you (and myself) never to stop learning, developing and creating. Make it a lifelong quest always to desire more things that light you up. Also, stay foolish. Believe in the unbelievable. Trust your instincts, even when others say it cannot be done. Be willing to try, to look like a fool from time to time and keep getting back up and trying again because, even though it doesn't feel like it at the time, that's where the magic is.
I believe in you (always).
Tricia Scott is a passionate startup business mentor and the Founder and Editor of The Female CEO - Create Evolve Overcome, a platform and digital magazine holding the space to showcase female entrepreneurs from all over the world.
The Female CEO is gaining global recognition daily and Tricia is able to bring her own level of expertise as a start-up mentor and multi-company director to her very exclusive table along with her team of brilliant Guest Editors and Contributors. You'll usually find her with her MacBook in one hand and a coffee or a glass of something fizzy in the other. Reach out anytime!
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