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The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding the 'Doom Loop': Climbing Your Way to Success with a Strategic Business Staircase build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia mindset the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia.

Whether you’ve been in the entrepreneurial space for a few years or are a bright, shiny newbie, one thing is a stone-cold certainty. You’ve fallen prey to guessing...

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Where (Almost) Everybody Goes Wrong… build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia mindset

Whether you’re in the ‘Corporate Leaper’ stage of your Entrepreneurial journey (i.e. waiting to get the heck out of the J.O.B. and jump into The Wild with the rest of us), or...

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Paths, Confidence, Conviction & Certainty build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

The topic of confidence comes up whenever I chat with a budding, prospective or even long-standing entrepreneur or a business owner.

It’s unsurprising, but that in no way demeans its...

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The Thorny Issue of Pricing build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

There are FIVE main 'Profit Levers' that you can 'pull' in your business to generate & control the profit you make (as distinct from turnover or revenue, which isn't what you're actually in...

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How to Embrace Risk & Uncertainty - Part 2 of 2 build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia mindset the workroom

Last month, we spoke of Stoicism and Poo-flinging Monkeys!

We covered the fundamental premise that to succeed in life, i.e. to get closer to What Actually Matters Most to you (WAMM), YOU are the...

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How to Embrace Risk & Uncertainty - Part 1 of 2 build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia mindset the workroom

Tony Dungy, who is remarkable for winning a Super Bowl as a player and then doing it again as a head coach, has a simple philosophy for dealing with challenging situations,
“You can’t...

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The Certainty of Misery build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia.

Often called the "mother of family therapy," Virginia Satir (1916-1988) started her professional life as an educator after graduating from what is now the University of Wisconsin...

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The Mythology of The Spartan Entrepreneur - Part Two build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia. 

Last month, I discussed The Big Myth.

The Big Myth that would have us believe that entrepreneurs are forged in fire, created by the tortuous challenges that they inevitably...

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The Mythology of The Spartan Entrepreneur - Part One of Two build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia.

This post is part one of a two-part pre-cursor to a 5-part series - part Deux will appear in the next issue.

 For the avoidance of doubt, this is a rant, albeit a very...

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Via Negativa: What NOT To Do build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia. 

Imagine that you had no word for ‘blue.’

Here’s an extract from a story shared by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book, Antifragile.

“We know more...

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How to Predict the Wrong Future build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia. 

Your Personal 'Star Chart'

In the year of my birth, Robert McNamara became the US Secretary of Defense, and he remained in the post for several years until 1968.


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Feeling a Little Lost? Start at the Very Beginning build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia.

In the October issue of Create Evolve Overcome Magazine, we opened up the discussion around Asking Better Questions and saw how this singular skill helped Billy Beane, the GM of...

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How to Rig an Unfair Game build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia.


Life isn't fair. Get used to it! ~ Bill Gates

Whatever you think about Gates, the Billionaire's statement about Life might, at first blush, sound a bit fatalistic, like...

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Crazy ❌ Busy like a fox build your brilliant business dino tartaglia the workroom

 By Dino Tartaglia.

In the mid-80s, an American drama-cum-sitcom, very much of the style of that era, hit the airwaves.

It was named after the classic expression ‘Crazy like a...

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What’s YOUR Exit Plan? build your brilliant business dino tartaglia the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia.

There are TWO questions I have in mind whenever I’m asked by a business owner to help them (or, more usually, a person who IS a business owner but calls themselves by what...

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Character Trumps Mindset build your brilliant business business dino tartaglia mindset the workroom

By Dino Tartaglia.

At Success Engineers, we’re all about:

  • Simplicity not Complexity
  • Brutal Honesty (with kindness) not Fluff and Platitudes
  • Tailored advice not ‘Blueprints’...
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