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Why Rest is Important for Your Creativity claire winter issue 52 lifestyle the creatrix journey the retreat

By Claire Winter.

The art of doing nothing is often seriously underrated. I have definitely been that person who thought wearing the 'busy' badge would help me succeed in business and life, but in...

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Embracing the Cold claire winter issue 50 lifestyle the creatrix journey the retreat

 By Claire Winter.

When did the cold become my friend? It probably started a few years ago when I started getting brain fog and struggled with temperature regulation - Hello,...

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Embracing the Power of Women's Circles: Creating a Safe Haven for Sharing and Writing Our Stories claire winter issue 47 lifestyle the creatrix journey the retreat

By Claire Winter.

Women and men have sat in circles for centuries, sharing knowledge and connecting. These circles fulfil an innate need for human connection, especially for women undergoing...

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Finding Your Writing Voice business claire winter the creatrix journey

Finding your voice in creative writing can be a challenge, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Your voice is how you express yourself through writing and how you can make your writing stand...

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The Power of Walking and Writing to Boost Your Creativity claire winter lifestyle the creatrix journey the retreat


Midlife can be a fantastic time to explore your creativity. The famous anthropologist Margaret Mead said: “There is no more powerful force in the universe than a menopausal woman with...

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Get Your Creative Juices Flowing business claire winter lifestyle the creatrix journey the retreat the workroom

Many entrepreneurs, coaches and creatives can feel pressure to churn out new ideas and content constantly. Sometimes, this comes easily – the mind is bursting with imaginative ways to move...

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Finding Your Inner Creatrix claire winter lifestyle mindset the creatrix journey the retreat

 Our idea of creativity is constantly changing, but when you think about it, creativity has always existed. You can go back to the Ice Age period and see drawings on the walls and the stories...

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The Creatrix Journey claire winter mindset the creatrix journey the retreat

Welcome to my brand new column, the Creatrix Journey. Through these writings, I aim to raise the collective consciousness step by step through our Walking and Writing Courses, Workshops, and...

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