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The Ultimate Guide to Corporate Gifting This Christmas business

By Jennifer Lam, WellBox

As the holiday season approaches, many of us feel a mix of excitement and panic. There's so much to juggle - year-end reports, Christmas parties, and planning for 2025.


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The Difference Between Working in and on Your Business and Why It Matters biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

 By Tricia Scott.

As a fellow business owner and entrepreneur, I know only too well the struggle of doing all of the things. Like most of us, I have to remind myself (or be reminded) to...

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Change Your Mind, Change the Game: The Power of Leading With Curiosity, Not Certainty biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.


I don't know about you, but when it comes to my business, I have been known to find myself needing to go back on a decision I've made and even, occasionally, sticking it out...

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A Setback Is Not a Defeat; Itā€™s a Set-up for a Comeback biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott. 

Today, I want to talk to you about perspective.

Entrepreneurship and business ownership can be a wild ride, can't it? A proverbial rollercoaster of emotion. One minute,...

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How Technology Can Help with the Legal Aspects of Running Your Business business

By Sophie Bond.

As a woman and CEO, you want to survive and thrive. It's widely recognised that the C-suite can be challenging, especially given how few women hold positions here. A recent post by...

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To Be the Leading Lady in Your Business, You Must First Stop Behaving Like an Extra biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott 


My house has been a hive of activity recently: landscapers, mini diggers (I didn't even attempt to drive it, I swear), long discussions around paving (this makes me...

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Did I Ever Tell You That "The Universe Sacked Me!" ambila nath issue 49 zen den

By Ambila Nath.

I often think back to my first high-flying job as a Business Operations Manager, just 25 years old and in charge of a team of 20 people.

I had never planned such a career step. I...

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Why Reading is Always the Answer hayley mcdonnell issue 49 lifestyle nothing much happens here the retreat

By Hayley McDonnell.

Have you ever been so engrossed in a book that time has almost slipped away? Before you know it, the afternoon has slipped by, and all you have to show for it is a page turned...

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Female Authority. Why Athena? (PART 2) branding business laura pearman the athena complex

By Laura Pearman.

In the last issue, I introduced you to why I think Athena is a great figurehead and goddess from whom we can draw inspiration when it comes to honing and developing our authority...

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Embracing Your Introvert's Edge: Lessons from an Unexpected Adventure business female.introvert.awesome issue 49 jacqueline shaulis mindset

By Jacqueline Shaulis.

As an introvert, I've often found myself navigating a world that seems tailor-made for extroverts. Perhaps you, too, have experienced the subtle and all too common ways that...

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How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome and Fear beyond the mic brad walsh issue 49 marketing podcasts visibility

By Brad Walsh.

Podcasters are natural storytellers; it's what we do, and I am very passionate about it and love that I get to help tell stories through my platform. As most of you know, I...

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The Power of Evergreen Content business issue 49 jackie wilson write here write now

By Jackie Wilson.

A lot is said and written about the value of trends. And yet, as recent research has shown, the notion of ‘trending’ has become counterproductive. The constant pursuit...

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Manifesting Money and Dreams - How to Make Your Desires a Reality business ilana jankowitz issue 49 mindset money matters

By Ilana Jankowitz.

We all have dreams and aspirations that fire up our imagination and give us something to look forward to. But how many of us actually take the steps needed to turn...

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Culture and Coastline North Yorkshire style, Sans Les Enfants a venturing nomad issue 49 the retreat travel

By A Venturing Nomad.

A balmy outdoor beachfront breakfast, listening only to the sounds of the sea and soaring seagulls,  is truly a treat anywhere in the world. Well worthy of writing home...

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Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness ā€“ Autumnal Foraging in Forge Valley, North Yorkshire a venturing nomad issue 49 the retreat travel

By A Venturing Nomad.

I’d always assumed the river trickling through Forge Valley in North Yorkshire, was the river Forge, its not, its the Derwent.  The name comes from the old iron...

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Tell Me More issue 49 jenn baron mindset reset your mindset the retreat

By Jenn Baron.

A coaching client recently told me about a conversation she had with her kiddo, who'll be starting kindergarten soon. They were in the car together, and her kiddo shared...

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