Embracing the Power of Women's Circles: Creating a Safe Haven for Sharing and Writing Our Stories

By Claire Winter.
Women and men have sat in circles for centuries, sharing knowledge and connecting. These circles fulfil an innate need for human connection, especially for women undergoing significant life changes.
There is a reason why there is a resurgence in women choosing to gather. Not only do they help us to connect with our own cyclical nature but they also encourage creative and powerful expression.
There's no denying that the world we live in can make it difficult to tap into our creativity and spirituality. We're bombarded with messages prioritising productivity and efficiency over personal expression and connection. This is why it is so important to create circles in a safe space and set boundaries to ensure confidentiality and comfort for participants. It's crucial for them to feel safe in the circle and trust the facilitator holding it.
I hold creatrix writing circles to encourage us all to connect to our inner guidance, share our stories, and come together in community so that we can tap into a deep well of infinite creativity and wisdom.
"A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get Naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered by this, if you allow it. Please, please allow it." ― Jeanette LeBlanc
My Journey with Women's Circles
From the moment I embarked on The Creatrix Journey, my passion for creating safe spaces for women to connect and express themselves has only grown stronger. The mission was simple but profound: to gather women and provide a supportive environment where they could explore their creativity, connect with nature, and delve into their soul's passion through creative writing. This led me to delve into the ancient practice of women's circles, where women would gather during specific lunar and menstrual cycles or for special events in the year. What I discovered through my own experience with over 200 women was that women's circles provide a brilliant way to tap into the power of sisterhood and foster connection, healing, and growth.
The Essence of Women's Circles: A Safe Haven for Sharing and Healing
Women and men have been meeting since we began living in communities. My own circles, whether online, at day workshops, or residential retreats, have been small and intimate, ensuring a safe and sacred space where confidentiality and respect are paramount. The essence of our circles is that what happens within them stays within them. This creates an environment of trust, allowing for beautiful revelations, tears, new understandings, and the birth of creative projects. The power of vulnerability and shared experiences in this safe haven is immeasurable and transformative, often leading to profound changes in individuals' lives. Members of the circles have pivoted careers, trained to be sound healers and reiki masters, written poetry for the first time and written books.
Reclaiming Ancient Traditions
Having studied Social Anthropology as my first degree, I became acutely aware of the absence of ceremonial and ritual practices, particularly in Western societies. Many ancient cultures used ceremonies and rituals to mark significant events in people's lives, which were notably absent in contemporary times. The absence of spaces to honour pivotal life transitions, such as menstruation for young girls or menopause for women in mid-life, felt like a missing piece in our societal fabric. Women's circles have provided a means to fill this gap, allowing women to process a range of emotions and experiences and fostering collective support, celebration, and healing.
The Intersection of Age and Life Phases
Within my circles, I observed an interesting trend: while diverse age ranges were present, a significant number of participants were women in their perimenopausal years. This intrigued me as I witnessed a common thread among women navigating this transformative phase of life. The shared experiences and wisdom exchanged within the circles provided a unique source of support and understanding, illustrating these gatherings' profound impact on women undergoing similar life transitions.
Overcoming Historical Suppression
Historically, women's circles and female healers have posed a threat to the patriarchal societal structures, leading to attempts to suppress these traditions. The suppression of women's circles and healers could be seen through witch hunts and colonialism. The resilience of these traditions, symbolised by movements such as the Red Tent, demonstrates the enduring power of women's circles and their ability to provide solace, empowerment, and support. It's essential to recognise the threat women faced when creating sacred spaces and to actively work toward bringing back these traditions of community and inclusivity for all who seek them.
Spreading the Ripple of Sisterhood
By creating a women's circle, one can tap into the transformative power of sisterhood and shared experiences. As one circle inspires another, the collective force of change grows stronger, fostering a world where women feel supported, empowered, and celebrated. The resurgence of movements and circles dedicated to celebrating the divine feminine represents a shift in collective consciousness, offering an inspiring opportunity for change and empowerment.
My journey with women's circles has been transformative. I have created safe spaces that allow for courageous vulnerability, shared wisdom, and collective empowerment. I hope this will encourage other women to host their own circles, providing a vital source of support and connection for women seeking authentic and transformative experiences.
Claire Winter is a trainer, creativity and writing coach, and award-winning podcaster. She uses a blended coaching and mentoring approach to ignite her clients' creativity so they can share their authentic voices and stories. Claire is a trained NCTJ journalist who started her career at ITN in radio and television. She successfully sold her first magazine business and then built a successful content marketing training and coaching business over the last five years.
She's also a qualified ICF Coach, Nordic Walking Instructor, host of the soon-to-be-released Creatrix Journey Podcast, and founder of the Creatrix Journey.
She loves to share her knowledge about storytelling, nature connection, walking, and creative writing. She's passionate about sharing the medicine of walking and writing and how to create more meaningful connections with your audience.
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