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Prioritising Peace over Panic: Turns Out Love Really Is All Around This Christmas. biz love letters business mindset tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.

As I write to you today, I am sitting in a pavement cafe with a large mug of hot chocolate, watching the world zoom by (literally), and I'm thinking about the speed at which life...

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Advice To My Younger Biz Self: Youā€™re Not Doing It Wrong. I Promise. biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.


These last couple of weeks have been crazy busy at CEO HQ, with a brand new office space to organise business and personal commitments a-plenty. You know those weeks when...

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Diamonds Under Pressure: Creating Balance in Business This Holiday Season biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.


Ah, December... how are you feeling? It's OK, you can be honest. This time of year notoriously brings up all kinds of feelings and emotions, and none of them are wrong or...

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How Do You Know You're on the Right Path? biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.

Here's the thing about life (and business), nobody hands you a roadmap. You don't get a neat little instruction manual with step-by-step guidance on where to go, what to do, and...

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Why The Responsibility for Everyone Elseā€™s Good Time Does Not Sit On Your Shoulders This Holiday Season biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott 

With the season of all things merry, bright and exhausting around the corner, I wanted to take a minute to remind you of this critical point.

You do not exist to do everything...

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An Introduction to Spirit Guides ambila nath issue 51 mindset zen den

By Ambila Nath.

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth often involves seeking guidance from unseen forces surrounding us. As we open ourselves up to the possibility of...

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From Anxious to Empowered: Embracing Your Introverted Power in the C-Suite business female.introvert.awesome issue 51 jacqueline shaulis mindset

By Jacqueline Shaulis.

Imagine, for a moment, stepping into a boardroom filled with confident executives, their voices echoing off the walls as they discuss quarterly projections and strategic...

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Healing Your Money Story: A Guide to Leaving a Healthy and Empowering Legacy business ilana jankowitz issue 51 mindset money matters

By Ilana Jankowitz.

Often seen as a stressful and taboo topic in many households, money appears to hold the power to not only shape our individual lives but also to influence the legacy we leave...

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Worst, Best, Realistic issue 51 jen mindset reset your mindset the retreat

By Jenn Baron.

It’s completely natural and a part of our brain’s wiring to focus on worst case scenarios.

Our ancestors didn’t need to know which berries tasted good, they needed...

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5 Things to Be Grateful for This November issue 51 mindset startup sessions tricia scott

 By Tricia Scott.

As November rolls in, the changing leaves and shorter days give us a perfect excuse to slow down, reflect, and take stock of the good things in life. And let’s face it,...

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Boundaries, Balance, and the Beauty of the Word ā€˜Noā€™ biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.

We live in a world where it seems everyone wants a piece of us - our clients, friends, family, and even the neighbour who always forgets their keys or catches you jussst...

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Time Well Spent: Why Taking a Break is the Best Business Move You'll Make Today biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.

Monday again already; how did that happen? I always feel like this after a week(ish) away from the office. The first few days seem to stretch on at a leisurely pace, and then BOOM,...

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Busyness Is Boring, Rediscovering Purpose In The Pause biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.

As I write this Biz Love Letter, I find myself rather than in my office as usual, in the corner of the sofa, with a large caramel latte on the side table and two...

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How to Break Free from the Pressure toĀ ā€˜Keep Upā€™Ā in Business (and make better decisions) biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.

It's been a busy ol' time here at CEO HQ. With new offices, exciting package launches (stay tuned), the publishing of our 50th issue and more than my fair share of research,...

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The 5 C's To Success In Business & Life business guest blogs mindset

By Amy Sanders.

Why is it that some people seem to continually climb the success ladder with ease while others struggle?

I'm talking about your friend who just started her coaching business, and...

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Flat to Flourishing: Decluttering Your Finances to Prepare for Abundance business ilana jankowitz issue 50 mindset money matters

By Ilana Jankowitz.

Of all the months in the year, I’ve always felt like October is the one that feels a little flat and forgotten. 

After the new year buzz of January and celebrations...

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