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I'm Ending This Year Differently, and You Can Too

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 Dear CEOs,

As I write this, I can notice the chill in the air. The leaves have slowly but surely started changing colours, and I feel a bit of disbelief that we're already in the last quarter of the year. Halloween and pumpkin spice lattes signal that Christmas music will be in the air before we know it.

This is when I start looking forward to the holiday season, but I wanted to share something with you that has changed my life and become something I look forward to. 

I don't know how you end the year, but for me, it always went a little something like this:

A day or two before the New Year, I always spent some time planning out my goals. Sometimes I would even go as far as making a vision board and feeling into my desires for the coming year. Watching my friends start the countdown, the clock would strike midnight, fireworks decorated the sky, and I would feel the bubble of joy and enthusiasm as I sipped champagne and said to myself, "this is finally going to be MY year".

However, I would notice a pattern in my friends and clients every year. They would start the year blazing with enthusiasm, slowly deflating like a leaky tyre until eventually, it would feel like the same old "Groundhog Day", where dreams on put on a back burner and everyone's just going through the motions to get through the day. 

I believe this happens because we spend so much time dreaming about the future without properly closing the year. This means that the pile of emotional baggage, unresolved anger and negativity from our experiences throughout the year simply follow us. The pile keeps growing and stealing our mental energy and, eventually, our optimism.

This year I desire to end the chapter properly and walk into the New Year with a clean slate, so I developed a three-step process which I want to share with you, so you can try something different and create a different result this year.

It's my three day live online event called Reflect, Release and Reset. All you need to do is give yourself an hour for three consecutive days to join me at 2 pm GMT on Monday the 14th-Wednesday the 16th of November. I'm going to lead you through an easy journey so that you're calm, relaxed and refreshed before you go into the holiday season, knowing that you've dealt with everything you needed to and have closed the loop properly and breaking the cycle of your personal Groundhog year.

I look forward to helping you REALLY make 2023 YOUR year!

Much love.


 Janine Wirth is the proud founder of Path to Healing Therapy and Coaching. Her mission is to help female entrepreneurs heal their emotional baggage, heal unresolved emotional trauma and PTSD without spending years in therapy and create spectacular business success for themselves. You may have read her story in The Spotlight and if so you’ll know why she’s so passionate about her work so when she got the opportunity to work alongside The Female CEO and provide a monthly question and answer she was thrilled! 

You can read all about Janine and her work here or catch up socially on Facebook or LinkedIn




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