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How To Have Authenticity In Your Writing

business claire winter cracking content the workroom Jun 21, 2022

Writing genuinely and authentically can be a challenging skill to learn, especially when writing content about your business or for clients. However, it is an essential ability to allow you to step into your power and attract the clients and businesses you want to work with. The following tips will help you use powerful authentic writing to help you express yourself more creatively.

Unapologetically be yourself

Your written voice reflects your character and confidence, which are key strengths as a writer—as such, finding your written voice and having self-assuredness in it is integral to successful copy. Modesty is okay in moderation, but when you are writing, especially for business purposes, it is beneficial to stand by your words. Don't be too salesy, but also be confident in your ability to help your customers. A great way to share how great you are is by using testimonials from former or current clients in your copy and content.

Your voice may be the key to authenticity

Multiple drafts and editing your writing are necessary to convey your message clearly. However, sometimes the formality could be working against you. Different clients and projects will require different tones, but a balance between your written and spoken voice may be the key to finding your authentic tone. Try speaking your ideas out loud; speak naturally and without strict scripting. Use the initial framework to expand upon in your first draft. Perhaps even record yourself so you can listen back and make amendments. You can even use Otter.ai or other transcription software to get your spoken words on paper. How you speak out loud may be just what your writing needs; giving it more warmth, passion, and character will make you seem much more authentic. Allow your actual voice to inform and guide your written one. Reading your work out loud is also a great way of spotting mistakes.


Less is more

A common approach for many writers is to try and write as much as possible, regardless of the necessity or relevance. A quantity over quality approach to content writing will lead to weak results. Aimlessly flourishing your language and waffling out every point you need to make will read as phoney and disingenuous, even if the writing is technically sound. Less is often more; one thing we learn in journalism is that editing can make what you write more powerful. Write something and then ask yourself can I do this with half the words? Be pragmatic with your writing, and use your words wisely. Get to the point, and say what needs to be said, and your readers will find more worth and authenticity in your writing.


Your opinion matters

More often than not, the writing you do for business should be thoroughly researched, accurate, and informative. However, that doesn't mean that your expert opinions on the subject at hand don't have a place. Opinions can be a valuable way to set yourself apart as a content writer and make you a thought leader. Related personal views will compliment your expertise and knowledge in a subject. Viewpoints on your preferred methods or strategies within your topic, or endorsements of other key people in the relevant field, for example, can go a long way to creating relatable and inspiring content for your readers.

Don't replicate or emulate, but accept your inspiration

Writers rely on the works of other writers. We learn much from written works that speak our language or share powerful ideas that we agree or disagree with. As such, our inspirations will likely guide and inform how we create, albeit subconsciously. In the pursuit of finding your authentic, unique voice as a writer, it can be tempting to try to shed the thoughts of those that inspire us in an attempt to avoid plagiarism. This, however, is not ideal. Every writer's voice and identity are formed and affected by those inspirations. To shed the effects of your influences entirely is equivalent to adopting a different creative voice. Instead, address and accept your influences whilst being careful not to copy their styles and content outright. Lastly, always credit people for their ideas and the quotes you use.

Writing that makes an impact is a delicate balance between your creativity and your knowledge. Hopefully, these tips will aid your writing by adjusting that balance in your favour and, in turn, allowing you to write authentically and confidently.


Claire Winter is a trainer, coach and host of the award-winning Cracking Content podcast. She is passionate about helping coaches, and creative entrepreneurs amplify their expertise through storytelling, content, and PR to get more sales and make a bigger impact.

Claire uses a blended coaching and mentoring approach to ignite her client's creativity so they can share their authentic voice and story. She is a trained NCTJ journalist and started her career at ITN in radio and television. She also runs a Facebook community called Cracking Content, where she shares writing, content and PR TIPs. You can read more about Claire and her work here.  



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