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How Repurposing Content Can Save You Time and Money

business claire winter cracking content the workroom

By Claire Winter

Ever tried repurposing your content? Why not start now?

When we enter the content creation process, we may believe we need fresh, new ideas for every piece of content we create. Whilst creativity and imagination are key to creating a unique and engaging copy, it is unrealistic to expect this of ourselves 100% of the time.

Instead, understand the value of repurposed content and use it to your advantage!

Here’s four reasons why repurposed content saves you both time and money:


Shortens the Content Creation Process

How long does it take you to write new content from scratch? You likely follow a process similar to the following: in-depth research, evaluation of sources, writing, editing, proofreading and formatting. This can take from one to four hours. Do you really have enough time in the week to churn this out consistently?

Instead, repurposing content gives you a chance to breathe. It can take a fraction of the time and effort, which means you can focus the remainder of time on other important elements of your business, such as promotion or client meetings.


Offers Hands-Free Mode

Much like mobile hands-free mode for your car, you can enter the world of automation when it comes to content! Focus on writing evergreen content that is relevant whatever the time of year. This way, you won’t need to rewrite or make additions in order to republish it. Instead, you can set up a system to automatically send it out for you, whether that’s sharing through social media or scheduling blog posts ahead of time. All you have to do is sit back and participate. Perfect for when you are away on holiday.


Chance to Try Different Formats and Platforms

How often have you considered offering content in a new format but have doubted your capacity to succeed? Starting up a podcast or creating an eBook may seem like a bit of a stretch during your busy week. However, if it involved simply repurposing content you’ve already created, then why shouldn’t it be doable? Transform a series of blog posts into an eBook or pick your top performing blog post to make a video or podcast. There are endless options for saving you time! My podcast, Cracking Content, is solely created from blog posts I have written.


Increases Your Engagement Easily

Your top performing content is top performing for a reason, so why not take advantage of its success? If your audience has responded well to a piece of your content, it is likely it will perform well again! So, instead of starting from scratch, use the skeleton of your previous piece to stitch together something brand new but just as engaging and relevant. You’ll be surprised that often no one will notice.

Use these four tips wisely and you’ll find that repurposing content transforms your content creation process, leaving you with more time and money to grow in other areas of your business.


Claire Winter has been a content creator, journalist, and dedicated tea drinker for twenty years. She is a trained NCTJ journalist and started her career at ITN in radio and television. Passionate about helping business owners create content that converts via her online mastermind and 1:1 training, she loves sharing writing tips and content tips over in her own community, Cracking content.

Claire currently writes for all 41 Families magazines covering the UK and reaching 9 million parents a year. She has helped hundreds of large and small businesses with content marketing campaigns in print, online, and social media. 




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