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The Universe Magnifies

ilana jankowitz mindset money matters the retreat the workroom Nov 17, 2021

By Ilana Jankowitz. 

Recently I returned from a wonderful week away in Italy. The holiday came about because my daughter wanted us to go and see her and meet her new boyfriend.

At the time when she contacted me to ask if we’d come, I was super busy. So, I asked her to talk with her dad and make all the arrangements, and I would block out the time in my calendar to fit in with whatever dates they agreed between them.

I’m sure I’m not the only one that passes the buck of making all the arrangements, sometimes to avoid making a decision or stopping what you’re doing?!

All I did in the run-up to the holiday was look at some photos of the house. Friends would ask me where we were going, and the only thing I could tell them was Italy somewhere and that I was looking forward to seeing my daughter and having some family time. Besides that and packing a case, I was head down working until the morning we left.

Before we arrived in Italy, I’d created a story in my mind that we’d be staying in the middle of nowhere, and I was really ok with that idea because we were there to have family time.

Well, let me tell you, my story couldn’t have been further from the truth!


My mind was blown

Because of my lack of involvement in any of the arrangements, little did I know that my daughter had booked a beautiful villa with 180-degree sea views of the Italian Riviera – I kid you not!! I was absolutely blown away by how jaw-droppingly beautiful the area was.

We spent time lunching in Portofino. We ate gelato and hiked in Cinque Terre and lay on the beaches along the coast, and we shopped and ate delicious pizza.

It was heaven on earth and more magical than I ever imagined it could be. When I reflected on that, I realised that I still carried so many limiting beliefs about how big and wonderful life could be. I saw that the Universe has so much more available and ready to deliver to me than I allow myself to imagine.

Do you do that? Do you keep things small and limit your imagination? And do you do that in your business as well?


Limiting your imagination

It’s so common that when we set goals for ourselves, we make them limited and small. Yet, the Universe is ready to help us achieve and receive so much more.

As we start to approach the end of the year (seriously, where has the time gone!) I encourage you to reflect on what’s worked for these last 6-months and decide on your plans for the final months of 2021.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to think BIG! Think more extensive than you’ve ever thought before. What do you want your life and business to look like 6-months from now? Do you want it to be the same or wildly different?

Oh, by the way, the Amalfi coast was on my vision board! Now is a great time to revisit your vision board and see what goals are yet to become your reality. You need to realise that there’s so much power in what you ask for. When you set your intentions, you’re giving the Universe crystal clear instructions on what to deliver for you.

To help you create consistency with building the life and business of your dreams, here are five steps that I recommend for amazing results…


Step 1 – Keep your eye on your why!

It’s so important to have a clear vision of what you want and why you want it. What do you want to build? Why do you want to save money? Write down everything you want, and then for each have a why that’s so compelling that it moves you daily into action.


Step 2 – Remember less is more.

I’m sorry if I’m bursting your bubble, but multitasking is a myth! The most effective way for us to achieve our goals is to focus on one thing at a time. Doing too much will only overwhelm you, so learn to say no, ask for help or delegate.


Step 3 – Schedule it.

As the great Steven Covey says, “The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.” Your what and why are your priorities, so pick specific days and times that you’re going to dedicate to working on them and put them into your schedule. Don’t let your goals and dreams drift; they deserve more than that.


Step 4 – Ignore the fear.

The voices in your head are nothing but a collection of thoughts that have no power over you unless you give it to them. We all have those intrusive thoughts – I’m too tired, overwhelmed, and don’t know how to start! Remember, the thoughts you hold on to and give life become your actions, so exercise your power to choose the thoughts aligned with your what, whys, and who you want to be.


Step 5 – It’s not an all or nothing thing.

Sometimes you need to back up a little and stop giving yourself a hard time. Some days we get in the flow and take massive action and steps forward, and other days not so much. Just be kind to yourself and recognise that you’re on a journey, and no journey worth taking is ever always plain sailing. There will be twists and turns but remember; success doesn’t come from what you occasionally do; it comes from what you do consistently.

Whatever happens, the Universe has always got your back. But first, you must open your mind and expand your dreams, and then watch it deliver you so much more than you could ever have imagined.

If you’re ready to open your mind and receive all of the abundance waiting for you, the first step is to take my Money Quiz. Then book a free follow up call with me, and together we can look at what’s potentially been holding you back from letting your imagination go and dreaming big.


 Ilana Jankowitz is a certified Money Coach born and raised in South Africa and currently residing in Zurich. Her work is all about identifying behavioural patterns around money, transforming negative thinking and moving from a self-destructive mindset to one that is positive and inspiring.

She is passionate about helping women to break free from self-doubt, low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence and move towards financial liberation and she can help you too with her free money quiz.  You can read all about Ilana and her work here or on any of my social pages Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube



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