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How to Bounce Back From Burnout

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How to Bounce Back From Burnout

Burnout is one of the most unpleasant states to be in. As vigilant as you are, sometimes you may not be able to catch the signs that you're burning yourself out. When you work tirelessly or have an otherwise busy life, you may need to treat your burnout symptoms after they've already hit. Here's how to deal with burnout and come back better than ever.


What Is Burnout?

Have you felt stressed recently? Burnout typically manifests as mental and emotional exhaustion brought on by stress. It's a dangerous state to be in, as stress can also affect your physical health. Over half of all employed Americans report that they're currently experiencing burnout, which could be dangerous if they continue things the way they are.

Burnout is never fun. In addition to affecting your work life, your personal life also takes a hit. You may feel like everything in your life lacks lustre, and you may not have the energy to do things you used to enjoy. Burnout can be a dangerous state of exhaustion, leaving you a shell of your former self.


How You Can Recover From Burnout Symptoms

Burnout is all too common these days. With 31% of the millennial population experiencing a form of depression, it's more important than ever to make healthy choices. Once you notice your burnout, you can create an action plan to start feeling better.


Find What Caused the Burnout

Work is often a primary cause of burnout. However, not every burnout symptom can be traced back to a job. If you're a caregiver, you may notice that caring for your loved one is too much. It could be many factors, like taking care of a home while working full-time. You might be burned out because of a friendship or relationship.

Your first step to eliminating the dreadful feeling of fatigue and hopelessness is to figure out where it's coming from.


Take a Step Back

Once you know what's causing your burnout, you need to take a step back from it. If it's a job, take some days off until you figure out your situation. Alternatively, if you're a caregiver, consider bringing someone else in to help your loved one while you take some time away. Knowing when to step back and lighten your load can help you prioritise your mental health and stop burnout before it gets too severe.


Prioritise Yourself

During this time, you need to treat the symptoms of burnout in hopes of becoming yourself again. If you feel intense depression, you should seek out treatment. A change in eating or sleeping behaviours can indicate that you're depressed, even if you don't think you are. Reach out to a mental health professional to help you create a plan to get your mental state back on track.

You should also take time out for self-care. You're not selfish for saying no to plans when you need to prioritise yourself. First, try to take care of any hygiene you've been neglecting. Then treat yourself to something nice. In time, you may start to feel more like yourself.


Rediscover Who You Are

During this time of healing, you need to get back to your roots to rediscover who you are as a person. If burnout has affected you for a long time, you may not remember how to do the things you used to find fun. When you feel "stuck," talk to others to figure out creative solutions that may bring you closer to yourself again. They may have some excellent ideas for figuring out who you truly are.

A new skill you pick up when rediscovering yourself might be the key to digging out of perpetual burnout. You can use any creative hobbies you learn as a marketable skill for a future job as you charge toward a path that makes you feel more alive.


Return When You're Ready

Don't let anybody push you into returning to work or other obligations before you're ready. You know yourself best; if you need more time off to recover, you should be allowed to take it. Taking a sabbatical at work can help you experience new things while still having the security of your job in hopes of returning feeling refreshed. What you do with your time off is up to you, but you should use it to find out your optimal life path.


Don't Miss Out on Your Life

The easiest way to deal with burnout is to prevent it before it gets too severe. Once you notice the signs of burnout, you can put an effective plan in place to deal with the symptoms. If you've already sunken into burnout, this time should be prioritising yourself as you heal and try to recover who you are.

You want to be an active player in your decisions. As the main character of your life, you should enjoy every moment. Stomping burnout when it rears its ugly head will help you become the best you can be.


Mia Barnes is a freelance writer who specialises in workplace wellness and women's health. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online health magazine, Body+Mind magazine.



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