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Making Peace With Where You Stand (Even When It's Not Where You Want to Be)

business mindset startup sessions tricia scott
Making Peace With Where You Stand (Even When It's z Not Where You Want to Be)

By Tricia Scott.

When I wrote to my lovely email list subscribers last week, I did so from my bed with a positive COVID test on the nightstand, and honestly, I almost didn't write. 
Here's the thing though: I've been on this journey for a while, both in entrepreneurship and self-discovery, and I'm getting pretty nifty at spotting when something is off. I noticed that apart from feeling the usual ugh from being sick, I was also frustrated with myself. I had meetings, a schedule to keep, and an all-new magazine coming out.
Of all the weeks to be ill! 
I was berating myself, disappointed with my body for letting me down and trying to push myself to get up and get it done. In short, I was handing over the reins to my inner control freak and she is NOT nice before breakfast.
I know better than this.
I know better than to wish I was somewhere other than where I stand and to focus on what I lack rather than what is unfolding in the present moment. When I reminded myself of this lil' game-changer, I felt myself making peace with my body, and as soon as that happened, I knew I wanted to write; it's super important to me to fulfil that commitment, not because I'm pushing myself to but because I enjoy it.
It might not have been where I wanted to be (no shit), and this isn't about pretending, but I get to choose my reaction, outlook and output. My body needed rest and recovery, and I love her enough to give that to her. As wrote, I was sipping tea and sharing my thoughts with my list; later, I took in some fresh air in the garden and carried out some light work. It's all OK.
Where can you make peace with where you are, even if it's not where you want to be this week? Remember, even when society says otherwise, there is no 'right way' or 'only way' to do anything, and the only thing we have 100% control over is how we choose to feel. When we choose to feel better, no matter the circumstances, we remind ourselves that we have the power and can use that power to take the next step.
Our only job is to do what feels right for us at any given moment. When you remember this simple truth, life becomes a lot more freeing.
Let go of the weight of expectation and release the need for justification. You're doing a great job. 
Stand in your power. 
I believe in you (always).


👉🏼If you want to journey with me through 2024, I email our Hello CEO mailing list every Monday. To join, head to The Homepage and sign up!


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