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How to Win on Instagram in 2022: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

business instagalactic jake davey social media the workroom Jan 23, 2022

By Jake Adam Davey.

In any field, across any area of life. The fastest route is always in a straight line. Now, of course, when it comes to growing our Instagram following, we don't have straight lines that we can follow, but we do have Market Leaders.

Irrespective of niche, there are multiple accounts in every (socially popular and marketable) niche across the Instagram stratosphere. And in every instance, these accounts are the market leaders for a reason.

These guys are the biggest and most successful for a reason because they are doing things bigger and better than anyone else.

The question on our lips should be, how do we get a piece of the action? What can we do to replicate their level of success?

Easy! Watch them, mirror them, model them.

The first (and best) place to start is identifying exactly who the market leaders are for your niche. Depending on the market you're in, this may be easier for some than others. Even so, with a little bit of digging here, a little research there, we can uncover the leaders in our area.

Start with a keyword search, make a list of the top 10 keywords in your area and pop them one at a time into the Instagram search bar. Take a look at who comes up again and again. Which (relevant) accounts seem to follow you around the platform? Who are the largest accounts with the most significant engagement posting frequently? When you find them, follow them. All of them!

Observe their content, study their captions, identify their posting strategy, the hashtags they use, the accounts they tag, the accounts they follow, how they lay out their profile, everything.

Once we have that and know their exact strategy, we model their behaviours and do the same. It's a no brainer! Whatever they do, that's the bandwagon we want to be on. If it's good enough for the accounts with a five, six, even seven-figure following, it's good enough for us!

This has been a tried and tested method of growth from previous years on Instagram, and the great news is - it's still your best bet to explode your brand on Instagram in 2022!


 Jake Davey is the UK’s leading Instagram expert. Former high school French and Spanish teacher turned online entrepreneur, Jake shows business owners and entrepreneurs how to build an authentic audience on Instagram and be seen as the go-to authority in their industry.
His Flagship program, InstaGalactic follows the proven, 6-Step ROCKET system and shows people how to explode their brand on Instagram so they can impact on a global scale. 
He is passionate about helping business owners to scale by leveraging the power of Instagram via his online course, 1:1 and group coaching, hosting the INfluence podcast, and international speaking engagements.
Jake currently has an audience of over 65K followers on Instagram, and has helped hundreds of large and small businesses to influence more people, and build authentic, engaged audiences that convert.



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