How to Break Free from the Pressure to ‘Keep Up’ in Business (and make better decisions)

By Tricia Scott.
It's been a busy ol' time here at CEO HQ. With new offices, exciting package launches (stay tuned), the publishing of our 50th issue and more than my fair share of research, reading and networking, it's safe to say I've had more than a few moments of 'holy shit this is moving fast'.
As I sat yesterday, having been out to buy hydrangeas for the new office (because, flowers), I pondered the speed at which everything seems to be moving and reflected on some of the responses I've had from our community and friends over the past weeks. Many of you resonate with the overwhelming feeling of trying to 'keep up' and the constant feeling of needing more to stay afloat in our businesses. It can feel like a continuous race just to stay in the game, and that can be an exhausting place.
Of course, I know better than this, but that doesn't mean I don't need a reminder from time to time.
This kind of Pressure is societal bullshit designed to make us feel less than something so that we buy something to fix the problem.
Look, I'm all for paying for tools and help to make my life easier. ALL ABOUT IT. But we must remember that a lot of the marketing we see every day (usually invading our social media scroll) is designed to heap on the Pressure to keep us in panic mode so we buy something to 'fix' the problem only to be upsold a nanosecond later with something even better (when a minute ago the cheaper option promised to be the golden ticket).
Here's what I know, having learned the hard way (and spent countless £££ in the process).
Keep. It. Simple.
Need a tool, coach or programme to make your life easier? Do it! 1000% invest in clever ways to save your precious time, but do it smart. Don't buy from a place of panic. Take a step (or several steps) back and assess the situation. What do you need? How long does it take you now, and how much time will it save? Is this the right solution to where you are right now in your business or life?
Connect back to simplicity this week, and let it bring you home to who you are. Peel back the layers of societal conditioning and not-enoughness, and take a good look at yourself. Remember her?
It's in that knowing and from that place that we find the clarity to make better-informed decisions.
You know what to do.
I believe in you (always).
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Tricia Scott is a passionate startup business mentor and the Founder and Editor of The Female CEO - Create Evolve Overcome, a platform and digital magazine holding the space to showcase female entrepreneurs from all over the world.
The Female CEO is gaining global recognition daily and Tricia is able to bring her own level of expertise as a start-up mentor and multi-company director to her very exclusive table along with her team of brilliant Guest Editors and Contributors. You'll usually find her with her MacBook in one hand and a coffee or a glass of something fizzy in the other. Reach out anytime!
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