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Getting Wild!

the retreat the virtual wellness studio Nov 01, 2020

By Melissa Jones

So, recently I have turned my hand to wild camping, mountain climbing and just all out adventuring, after all what else is there to do since we’re all locked down? Well, here in England we are anyway! So, I’ve been getting more and more adventurous and I have developed a deep love for the outdoors! 

Being a single mum can get a little lonely, I’m not going to lie, but when my little one is at her dad’s, that is my time to be ME! Going out and doing what I have always wanted to do but in the past feeling afraid to do it because, well, I had no one to do it with. Deciding to do things alone and just going for it is giving me so much confidence, life experience as well as filling that little empty hole and making me feel full! My life has never been so exciting! 

I’ve recently just got back from the mountains and what an epic experience that was! I’ll let the pictures do the talking. 

To any of my busy single mammas out there or even the mothers in relationships, or anyone for that matter; make time to discover yourself because you are more than just a mum, a wife, a businesswoman. You are YOU! So, go and do something you’ve always wanted to do and I guarantee that you’ll have an amazing experience whilst building your confidence and making some awesome friendships along the way. 



Melissa Jones is a Mama and a passionate health advocate. Her Passion is helping women to believe in themselves and achieve personal goals through mindset and great food. If you’d like to connect or have any questions, reach out – She would love to help! 

Right now she is  in transition, her goals and aspirations are changing and she's figuring it out along the way. She loves good food and as such she writes a Happy and Healthy Mama blog with The Female CEO as well as her work in The Virtual Wellness Studio, feel free to check it out.

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