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Choosing Happiness

the retreat the virtual wellness studio Feb 16, 2021

By Melissa Jones 

Happiness is not external - happiness will never be found outside of yourself. This is hard to grasp as I sometimes still find myself saying ‘life will be better when...’, but I must remind myself life is good now. I can CHOOSE to be happy now right in this moment, not chasing some distant future happiness that may never happen.


Choose happiness and choose it now.

How can you do that? I hear you. I asked this question too. There’s so much out there telling you to be happy in the present moment, but what if you are going through some deep shit and you just can’t bring yourself to be happy. Don’t force it! Seriously, if you’re going through tough times in your life right now you DON’T have to smile through it. Cry, hide, throw a tantrum; take as much time as you need and then ask yourself this, ‘what have I learned from this? How can I grow through this? How can I make tomorrow a little bit better than today?’

Slowly but surely, you will drag yourself out of it and you can start your journey back to happiness, and when life throws more shit at you (which it will), feel it, heal it, release it, learn from it and grow. And remember - you get to CHOOSE.

How do I pull myself out of negative thinking?

  1. Music - If I’m feeling up to it, I do a little dance too.

  2. Tidy my home.

  3. Fresh air - Sometimes if I’m in a bad shitstorm the last thing I can be bothered to do is leave the house, so even just opening a door and breathing in some fresh air can make a difference.

  4. Talk - Talk to a trusted friend or family member about how you feel. Don’t feel like you can? Talk to yourself or write it down.

  5. Give yourself time - Let yourself sit in the shit (sorry!) for as long as you need to. You don’t need to pull yourself around and get on with life, you are allowed to not be OK.


Melissa Jones is a Mama and a passionate health advocate. Her Passion is helping women to believe in themselves and achieve personal goals through mindset and great food. If you’d like to connect or have any questions, reach out – She would love to help! 

Right now she is  in transition, her goals and aspirations are changing and she's figuring it out along the way. She loves good food and as such she writes a Happy and Healthy Mama blog with The Female CEO as well as her work in The Virtual Wellness Studio, feel free to check it out.





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