Books Every Female Entrepreneur Should Read

By Riley Ann Judson.
Though society has taken many steps to move away from outdated patriarchal expectations, there still remains a gender gap in business. According to a report on Prowess, though 163 million women are running new businesses, many still have lower perceptions of their capabilities. Compared to men, women in business have greater fear when it comes to failure.
However, this is slowly changing as women settle into roles that men have long dominated. Those with more experience now have the opportunity to draw from their strife and struggle and provide empowering insights for the next generation of female leaders. Below, we've listed a few amazing books female entrepreneurs can read if they want to get ahead in their field.
Disrupt Her: A Manifesto For The Modern Woman
Miki Agrawal has had a controversial career. As noted in a book review by Inc., Agrawal has experienced her fair share of gendered scrutiny: ruthless media takedowns pushed her out of a CEO role in what was supposed to be a sex-positive company, and her boldness in discussing taboo subjects like menstruation earned that same company criticism from institutions and media alike. Rather than keeping quiet and sticking to the status quo, Agrawal urges the world to share her perspective. The title of her book says it all: Disrupt-Her invites readers to challenge outdated patriarchal beliefs.
The book also offers practical business advice. Agrawal shares her experiences with running companies, describing the strategies she incorporated to succeed, such as the unorthodox organizational structures that her businesses employ. Overall, Agrawal's Manifesto is the perfect book for women looking for a story that's as provocative as it is informative.
Girl Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals
Most women are raised to carry themselves with a degree of shame. Perfection is expected of them, and as a result, they hold back their ambitions in fear of falling short. To avoid being labelled arrogant, they need to define themselves as nurturers and supporters, standing behind greater men as daughters, wives, and mothers. According to Scribd's summary of Girl Stop Apologizing, Rachel Hollis aims to pull women out of the limiting boxes they've placed around themselves. In the book, Hollis challenges women to pursue higher goals.
The motivational self-help book lists strategies women can employ to gain more confidence. It teaches women to identify negative beliefs — such as self-comparison, unhealthy risk aversion, and self-doubt — to replace them with more positive, freeing perspectives. Any woman that wants to unlearn internalized ideas of society's limiting expectations of women can benefit from this book.
Back to Work After Baby: How to Plan and Navigate a Mindful Return from Maternity Leave
Entrepreneurship isn't gendered; there are a lot of female entrepreneurs who can still learn from business books written by men. However, these books won't discuss women's unique challenges as they navigate previously male-dominated fields. One such challenge is childbearing. Though many men also raise children, there's less expectation for them to find the perfect balance between raising young children and managing their careers.
That balance is what Lori Mihalich-Levin writes about in her book Back to Work After Baby. The book addresses fears and concerns many women have regarding their return to the office during the early stages of motherhood. Women nervous about their new dual role as mothers and workers can read this book for practical advice on creating healthier mindsets, making calmer choices, and identifying new leadership opportunities.
We've come a long way when it comes to female empowerment. By learning from the women who have paved the way, we can carve our space in the world of entrepreneurship and turn it into a more accommodating environment for the next generation of women leaders.
Riley is an aspiring e-commerce entrepreneur taking her masters in business administration. In her free time, she enjoys listening to true crime podcasts.
Written exclusively for The Female CEO.
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