A Thank You Note To 2020

By Melissa Jones
Dear 2020,
Thank you for teaching me some of the hardest lessons in life. Thank you for never giving up in showing me my strength. Thank you for taking everything away from me to make me realise what’s truly important in life such as family, friends, nature and the little insignificant moments.
If there’s one thing you’ve done 2020, it’s that you’ve made me appreciate the little things. You have forced me to climb out of the darkness and find the light and although you kept throwing me back into the darkness, I crawled out stronger each and every time!
My life may have been shattered but you have not broken me. I will continue to fight. I will show up every single day no matter how weak I feel. I will show up and even if I can only do the bare minimum some days, even on the days where I want to hide, I will rise!
You will not beat me. I have so much to live for, so much to give and so much love to share and receive.
And even when I’m on my knees begging you to give me a break, I WILL NOT BREAK. I want you to know 2020, that I am grateful for you but I am happy to see you leave.
Peace out and hello 2021. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me this year.
Melissa Jones is a Mama and a passionate health advocate. Her Passion is helping women to believe in themselves and achieve personal goals through mindset and great food. If you’d like to connect or have any questions, reach out – She would love to help!
Right now she is in transition, her goals and aspirations are changing and she's figuring it out along the way. She loves good food and as such she writes a Happy and Healthy Mama blog with The Female CEO as well as her work in The Virtual Wellness Studio, feel free to check it out.
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