What Is Real Personal Style?

By Nichola English
“Experiment by finding styles that you love & that suit who you are”
I’ve always loved the idea of Hollywood glamour. From old black and white movies to the glitz of the red carpet, when it comes to glamour and style, Hollywood is up there with the best.
I also love collecting books on style and seeing all the new styles from around the world when they hit the catwalks every summer and winter.
I’ve always had a flair for style, and had a pivotal moment in my late 20s early 30s when I started to really feel comfortable in my own skin. While of course, like most, I made some fashion and style faux-pas along the way, I also gained enough experience to start styling items together in a way that felt comfortable and individual.
This led me to become a Personal Style Coach. It’s a fantastic job and I love that I get to work with people from all walks of life, and help them find their style spirit. I’m invited to events, to do talks for groups of women, to write blogs and articles and to work on location at photo shoots. I know I’m incredibly lucky to love what I do!
“You’re the master of your own look, and nothing makes you feel more confident than getting that look right”
Being the master of your own look is how real personal style is created. As a Style Coach my job isn’t to tell you about the latest designer clothing to hit the stores or what fashion pieces to buy. It’s about sharing my years of knowledge and expertise, and guiding you through a process to show you ways to look and feel amazing with your own unique look.
Here are a few of my top tips to help you define what your personal style is.

I believe one of the elements to developing your personal style is finding a style icon, either past or present. Why? Because the right icon will inspire you. Plus, they have a team of professionals working with them: personal stylists, designers and couturiers, who are there to help create a very distinct and memorable style. They’ve already done the hard work; all you need to do is adapt their style and silhouette to suit your personality and body shape.
I adore Grace Kelly. She had a natural elegance and really knew her personal style, which balanced her strength with her femininity. She wore remarkably simple shapes that you can still see in today’s fashion.
Let me ask you, do you have a style icon you can draw on for inspiration to help evolve your personal style? If you don’t, look at people you admire. Ask yourself what draws you to that individual and the clothes they wear?.
Whether your style is classic or you love a fitted sexy look, the most important thing is that you feel super confident and comfortable in your clothes. It’s important to ensure your clothes fit well, because that’s the first step in the feel-good connection between you and your wardrobe.
For example, don't wear a skirt that feels too short because you’ll end up spending your time pulling at it and feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious. Always wear clothes that compliment you, are right for your body shape and showcase your personality and assets.
I’m sure you understand the basics of your body shape, and that getting to grips with your shape gives you a head start with your style. Even though it’s quite common for us ladies to experience weight fluctuations from time to time, generally our body shape stays the same.
My shape is a typical hourglass – I have a defined waist, with curves. I love my shape because it’s quite feminine and I choose styles that make the most of this asset. Knowing your body shape and other physical assets takes the stress out of shopping. It also makes it so much easier to choose styles that flatter and fit.
I’m sure on occasions you’ve bought something new to wear with your favourite pair of jeans, only to look in the mirror and think, “Hmmmm is this really me?!” I mean you loved it in the shop or on the assistant, but it just doesn’t have the same visual effect on you that you’d imagined.
Whether you like it or not, you won’t make perfect style choices 100% of the time but hey, that’s okay, I’ve had my fair share of clothing faux-pas and I style as a profession! The only way you can determine what really suits you is by having a go and trying things on. Try to be bold and challenge your usual style narrative. It can be a real confidence booster and make you look at your body shape and style in a more positive way.
You know you’ve found your real personal style when your clothes fully express who you are, your attitude and your personality. Until that happens, keep searching and trying stuff on and you may well be surprised at what you find.
Real personal style is all about self-expression: learn to love the way you are and make the most of your natural assets when it comes to dressing.
Never forget, how you dress is an integral part of you!
Nichola English is addicted to fashion. From an early age picking out clothes for friends and family, she always had an eye for style which only expanded as she got older, eventually creating her business, The Wardrobe Provocateur.
Nichola adores working with women (and men) across the world discovering personal style, reinventing that old tired wardrobe and realising new confidence and vitality through coaching, shopping and good old clearing out of the old. You can read her full story of becoming The Wardrobe Provocateur here.
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