Get With the Program - And the Terminology of Manifesting
![Get With the Program - And the Terminology of Manifesting](
By Ambila Nath.
The word 'Manifesting' is used frequently in today's personal and business development (usually by people like me!). It's linked to all kinds of terminology, so in the beginning (and occasionally now also), I had to Google to see what it all meant. Sound familiar?
If this sounds like you, let me make it simple and invite you into the Manifesting Lingo world. Below, I have compiled a list of easy descriptions that you may or may not be familiar with when you hear experts discussing spiritual/manifesting aspects.
Ready? Let's get started.
Alignment/ Aligning Your Energy
Matching the frequency of your thoughts, emotions, words and actions to what you desire, i.e. money, business or love.
A deep emotional bond to something, someone or an outcome is caused by control and expectation of how you want things to be.
Authentic Self
The version of yourself that you were when you were first born, before any negative programming, pain, trauma, shame or conditioning you received while growing up. It's who you are on a soul level.
Being Magnetic
When you are in a state of flow—positive, taking action towards your goals, confident in your beliefs and your whole, authentic self—it creates a magnet-like pull that attracts manifestations.
Limiting beliefs which stem from low self-worth and keep you in old patterns and habits. They "block" you from your manifestations and cause self-sabotaging.
Conscious Creator/ Manifestor
A person who works to consciously create the reality they desire by taking action.
Daily Habits
Actionable steps that you can take daily (in a conscious state) that reinforce the work you are doing with your subconscious mind.
Free from caring about when and how something will happen or how it will show up in your world. You are just getting on with your life.
The ego usually refers to an individual's sense of self or perception of their identity. It can be an inflated feeling of pride in feeling superior to others.
A frequency that is authentic to every object or person in this universe.
Living in and aligning with your authentic essence. When you don't control any outcomes or hold any expectations on what and how things will happen, this is the ideal state, where everything seems to come into your life with the least amount of effort.
To be grounded is to be deeply, fully present. Someone who is grounded is truly here in this moment.
Intuition / Universal Signs
your inner guidance (feeling, positive voice) that is nudging you to do a specific thing, go to a particular place, etc., your own Google roadmap.
Law Of Attraction
You attract the things you want by the energy of your thoughts like attracts like - negative to negative, positive to positive.
Letting Go
You are releasing all negative thoughts, energies, and things you hold onto.
The art of turning desire into reality.
Physical Plane/ 3D
The actual physical world that we live in as physical beings with physical needs.
Your ability to receive things into your life - compliments, money, help and support, etc.- with gratitude and seeing their authenticity rather than assuming a negative (when there isn't one). If you are not manifesting what you want, check your energy levels when you receive something - they may be too low, or you may not fully feel that you deserve the gift.
The Universe
Higher power/god, etc., the invisible yet noticeable force that connects us all.
Universal Tests
Opportunities, situations, triggers, and relationships that ask us if we'll continue settling for less than we deserve or slip back into old low self-worth patterns and habits. They're not pass/fail, just an opportunity for learning, healing, and growth.
That's all I can think of for now. Did I miss anything? Let me know if you have heard any other phrases that you want clarity on.
I'm always here to make manifesting as easy as possible.
Ambila Nath is known for her Straight-Talking Spirituality. She loves using analogies and stories to make complex spiritual/energy ideas relatable and easy to apply. She is an award-winning certified coach, magazine columnist, serial entrepreneur, spiritual leader, international speaker, and avid follower of her passions.
Ambila is a British Asian who defied the expectations of her Asian roots for women to carve out her own path. She knows what it's like to switch from a high-flying corporate career to a spiritual one because she did it herself. She left behind a 6-figure corporate job to follow her calling. She now works with business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide to open up and connect with their inner guidance system to grow their businesses. She uses spirituality and strategies to help them align their energy, shift their mindset, and create positive daily habits that support their goals.
Ambila knows that the most incredible journey you can take is the one where you connect with yourself. We all have access to this powerful source of wisdom and guidance. We just need to be open and willing to tap into it.
You can connect with Ambila via her Website and Social Media.
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